Develop your talents and become the best player/goalkeeper

Technification Technification Technification Hockey Center 2025


What do we offer in our Hockey Roller Skate technification Centers?

In ITW Sport, we offer a Hockey Roller Skate Technification program designed to maximize your potential as a player or as a goalkeeper. We know that motivated sport plater are in search of challenges, by improving their technique or taking more intelligent decisions in the pitch.


  • Developing the technical skills: practice the individual technique to apply it in real game situations, and helping the player in the decision making and minimize decisions.
  • Do something more: to become a more complete player, it's necessary to try new things and don't setlle with whay you already master.
  • Achievable challenges in the future. We evaluate your capabilities and your current work to help you evolve and set new challenges.

El programa de Tecnificación de hockey sobre patines se centra en el trabajo individual y la mejora global del jugador con la ayuda de:

  • Professional Coaches for players and goalkeepers
  • Planes individualizados para detectar fortalezas y debilidades
  • Enfoque en la mejora y la progresión continua del deportista
  • Seguimiento personalizado del jugador/portero
  • Sesiones dinámicas buscando disfrutar del entrenamiento
Improve your skills

The work dynamics will allow you to develop in:

  • Tecnificación individual y grupal de patín y stick
  • Fundamentos técnicos y tácticos individuales y colectivos
  • Trabajo de situaciones reales de juego (transferencia de la técnica individual al juego colectivo)
  • Entrenamiento específico para porteros 
  • Trabajo de táctica colectiva mediante juegos en espacio reducido
  • Development of defensive skills.
  • Perfeccionamiento del disparo, el regate y el juego aéreo 
  • Self-confidence to play with more daring and ease
  • Detailed analysis of sessions to identify areas for improvement.
itw sport

ITW Sport Training Center locations

CEM Mundet

CEM Mundet

C/ d’Olympe de Gouges, Horta-Guinardó
08035 Barcelona


Domingos de 9:00 a 11:00

Y los sábados 5, 12, 19 y 26 de julio; 2 y 9 de agosto, de 9:00 a 10:30 benjamin, alevín y de 11:00 a 13:00 infantil, juvenil y júnior


Training Center Rates

Reduced group prices


Relevant information of the Hockey technification

No, all players can participate regardless of their level and abilities. Sessions are divided into groups so players can be in the group that best suits their abilities.

The work teams are about 8-10 players and must be homogenous in order to let the players show their skills. In case of wanting personalized technification sessions, call at 689065559 or send an email to [email protected]

Yes, players will have access to changing rooms.

Yes, but family members cannot interrupt or give instructions to the players.
technology center

Reserve your spot



What is the payment method for registration?
Payment should be made via bank transfer to the following account: C.C. (La Caixa). ES84 2100 3333 8722 0015 7528. Please include "ITW Sport," the name of the camp you are attending, and the player's name as a reference.

What should I do once the payment is made?
The necessary authorizations must be sent at the same time as the payment. You can find the authorizations on our website at the following link: Autorizaciones Campus ITW Sport.

Is there any specific program for authorizations?
Currently, we do not have a specific application or program to manage authorizations. Please ensure to attach a photocopy of the ID of the person authorizing or the Family Book or ID of the minor to verify the signature.


Be part of ITW's training program

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