Tutoring Program for Basketball
and Football Players

Sports Tutoring Tutoring Tutoring Program

Chico joven con un balon de baloncesto en sus manos. Lleva una camiseta de basket de ITW Sport.

What is Sports Tutoring for a Player?

At ITW Sport, we offer a comprehensive sports tutoring program designed to provide support and guidance to basketball players at all stages of their careers, from beginner to professional levels. Our pedagogical approach aims to enhance performance and guide each player's development.

Participantes del programa de entrenamiento de basket de ITW Sport escuchando al entrenador
Niño entrenando futbol en el Campus de Futbol de Verano ITWSport
Comprehensive Sports Tutoring

En ITW Sport, te apoyamos en tu crecimiento deportivo, realizando un seguimiento de tu evolución.

The concept of tutoring is a strategy applied in educational contexts, and we adapt this approach to the sports world with the goal of supporting athletes in improving their performance, guiding their training process, and monitoring their progress. ITW Sport views athlete development as a holistic concept where various aspects interact to create the well-rounded player. We closely track each player’s evolution to ensure their continuous growth.

Dos jóvenes jugadores sentados en una mesa junto con un entrenador de ITWSport

Benefits of ITW Sport’s Sports Tutoring Plan

  • Comprehensive support for athletes and their families.
  • Continuous support and answers to questions.
  • Personalized guidance with a sports tutor.
  • Evaluation and tracking of goals.
  • Fostering personal and athletic growth.
  • Professional advice and skill development.
  • Access to specialized resources.
  • Constant monitoring to ensure progress and sports success.

Totalmente compatible con tu club

El objetivo del plan de tutorización, es ser un soporte a tu formación deportiva, trabajando aspectos que, durante el día a día, no se le dan importancia y no se trabajan.


Benefits of ITW Sport’s Sports Tutoring Plan

  • Comprehensive support for athletes and their families.
  • Continuous support and answers to questions.
  • Personalized guidance with a sports tutor.
  • Evaluation and tracking of goals.
  • Fostering personal and athletic growth.
  • Professional advice and skill development.
  • Access to specialized resources.
  • Constant monitoring to ensure progress and sports success.
Dos jóvenes jugadores sentados en una mesa junto con un entrenador de ITWSport
Improve your skills

Who Can Benefit from Our Sports Tutoring Plan?

ALL ATHLETES ARE WELCOME! Especialmente diseñado para jugadores de baloncesto, nuestro programa ofrece acompañamiento y asesoramiento personalizado en cada etapa de tu carrera deportiva. ¡No importa si estás afiliado a un club o no! Creemos firmemente que la formación integral es esencial para tu crecimiento como deportista.

El propósito del plan de tutorización es complementar tu formación deportiva, enfocándose en áreas que suelen pasar desapercibidas y no se abordan en la rutina diaria. Además, es compatible con las actividades de tu club. ¡Únete a nosotros y lleva tu juego al siguiente nivel!

Entrenador de basket en la cancha mostrandoles un tablero de jugadas a sus alumnos

Tutoring Programs






*The Pro Tutoring plan is for players under 18 years old. An initial interview is required to assess eligibility.

Chico saltando con una pelota de baloncesto en las manos

Want a More Comprehensive Plan?

- Basketball Technification
- Physical Preparation
- Coaching
- Nutrition


Be part of ITW's training program

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